Sunni Islam
Belief : Tawheed
Precious word of Tawheed of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (13H) "Recognizing his inability to get to know the Being of Allah is in itself an attempt to develop knowledge and His being leads to disbelief and association"
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Imam Al-Khattabi (68H)said that Allah and His attributes are not and how that Allah has no shape or image."This is a duty for us and for every Muslim, is knowing that our Lord is not a being with an image or form, because certainly the image involves how and how in terms of Allah and His attributes is excluded "
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Imam Ibn Al-Khattabi (68H) Abbas and have interpreted the verse: Surat-Al-Qalam 42 "yawma youkchifou an saq" The Day the shin will be uncovered and they are invited to prostration but the disbelievers will not be able, (Scan Here )
Here the Imam Zaynou-3Abidin said that Allah is not in a place and he is free of limits. Here is the belief of Muslims from all periods and all places, the belief of the scholars of the Salaf, the belief of the people of the family of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu the Lahou 3alayhi wa sallam).
"'It-s-hafou Sadati the-Mouttaqin" (Volume 4 page 643-644 of this edition)
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Ibn Taawoos (106H) kaysan interprets the verse "the Yadou Fawqa aydihim-Lah" in Surat Al-Fath [Reported by Al-Qurtubi] Here he explains that the verse "يد الله فوق أيديهم" (l-Lah Yadou Fawqa aydihim) means that "The power of Allah and his help are greater than their power and help." He therefore interpreted the word "yad" with "power" and "rescue". And it proves that people sometimes had the Salaf used to interpret ambiguous texts (moutachabih). The mufassir-exegete Muhammad Ibn-Ahmad Al-Ansari al-Qurtubi died in 671 AH, (l-Lah rahimahou) that is to say there are over 760 years. It is the Madh-hab (school of jurisprudence) of Imam Malik. His tafsir "al-Jami3ou li'Ahkami the Qur'an" is an indispensable reference.
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Here it states that one who says that Allah is "from" something is disbeliever, because he has attributed to Allah being created. Then he said that who said that Allah is "in" thing is a disbeliever, because he has attributed to Allah being limited. And he says that he who says that Allah is "on" something is disbeliever, because he has attributed to Allah having and need to be worn.
- Another word of Jafar reported by As-Sadiq Al-Qushayri is close to that quote there.See the article here .
Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (974H)reports of Al-Qarafi and other scholars that the founders of the four schools of jurisprudence (Madh-hab) Sunni Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Ash-Shafii and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, said that attributing the direction and the body to Allah is kufr. So there is unanimity of the founders of the four schools on this.
In his book "al-l-Minhajou Qawim" (page 254 of this edition) the Shaykh Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami said: Here
Imam Malik (169H) Hadith An-Nouzoul (Narrated by Az-Zourqani) “ is not Allah that descends as claimed by the anthropomorphists wrongly, but it's mercy, His command and His angels descending.”
Imam Ash-Shafii says “It does not declare disbeliever someone who is part of the people of the Qiblah " [As-Suyuti adds:] and he (that is to say, Imam Ash-Shafii) excluded moujassimah (anthropomorphists) and those who deny that Allah knows the details of everything (that is, say that these two groups are declared a disbeliever). "
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (241H) said "Whoever claims that Allah is a body like no other body, he is a kaafir"
Imam Dhoun-Nun al-Misri (245H) “ He was questioned about the verse "ٱلرحمن على ٱلعرش ٱستوى" (Ar-l-ala Rahmanou arch istawa)...
Imam Muslim: The Prophet gave an invocation by directing his palms toward the ground (Narrated by Muslim)
Imam Al-Baqillani (403H)said that the throne is not a place of business nor a place to Allah “"We're not saying that the Throne is a place of establishment or a place to Allah for Allah taala exists from all eternity when there is no place for all eternity. When the places were created by Him, He has not changed from what He is eternally "
Imam Al-Baqillani speaks of belief in Allah “... God is not concerned with the directions, changing, moving and standing or sitting.”
Imam Al-Ghazali speaks of belief in Allah and that He is not a body, and he is not in one direction.
Abu Hafs muhaddith Najmou d-Din Muhammad Ibn An-Oumar Naçafi(537H) speaks of the vision of Allah in the Hereafter: no place and no direction
Imam An-Nacafi said that the word of Allah is not a letter or sound. Here, Imam An-Naçafi speaks of the attribute of the word of Allah (al-kalam) and he said that His word is not the kind of letters or sounds. Indeed, Allah is to attribute the word and He speaks no language, no lips, no voice, no sound. His word is not Arabic, or any other language, and His word does not look like human speech.
Imam An-Nasafi said that Allah has no place, no how, that He is not a body and that He does not depend on time. - Here he cites so fundamental to the science of Tawheed, as the fact that Allah is not a body, not how he is, he is not in a place that He does not depend time, and nothing resembles Him.
Imam Fakhrou d-Din Ar-Razi describes the Names of Allah "Al-Aliyy" and "Al-Adhim" He explained that the name of Allah "Al-Aliyy" does not mean that Allah is raised by the direction and location, but it means that Allah is free from any resemblance to the creatures. Indeed, Allah exists without place and without direction. - And he says the name of Allah "Al-Adhim" does not mean that Allah is a large body, but rather it means that Allah is distinguished by the power and domination, for Allah is not a body .
The Shaykh al-Baydawi said the nouzoul of Allah is not a movement, and that Allah is free of the body and the location
Ahmad Ibn An-Naçafi, (died in 710 AH, some said 701H) said that Allah exists without a place for all eternity and that He is free of change
The As-Shaykh Al-Azhari Subki meets the lost who misinterpret certain verses of the Qur'anThe As-Shaykh Al-Azhari said Subki it is disbelief by unanimous believe that Allah is in one direction or that He sits on the Throne
Al- Kawthari disbeliever those who attribute to Allah a place “he says that he who has the belief that Allah is in place, is not Muslim, as was reported by many learned scholars of the foundations of religion.”
The anthropomorphic against which Imam Kawthari warns in this book is Outhman Said Ibn ad-Daarimee; he died in 280 AH. Do not confuse with the Abdou Lah-r-Rahman Ibn Abdou Ad-Daarimee, died in 255 AH, the author of Sunan.
- Al-Fatawa Al-Hindiyyah is a compilation of Hanafi fatwas of scholars from Asia, mainly of Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh ...) which almost all the opinions of the Hanafi school, which is a reference until the present day concerning the judgments of the school. It was written over 300 years ago.
- It was said that 500 scholars of the Indian subcontinent have worked on this collection (each group of scholars of Indian State was in charge of a chapter), and they wrote a fatwa that when no The disputed.
- The original title of this collection is Fatawa-e-Alamgiri, in Persian, the name of Sultan Aurangzeb, who died in 1707 which facilitated the Hanafi scholars compiling these fatwas. They were quickly dubbed "al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya" in Arabic.
- Here it is clearly stated that to attribute to Allah is a place of disbelief. And also that one that says "Allah fi s-sama," that is intended by this word that Allah is in one place, has also committed disbelief.
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