Deobandi Fabrication in Madarajun Nabuwat
Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi or Al Muhaddith Shaykh Abdul Haqq Dehlavi (ra) (d. 1052 AH/1642AD) is one of the greatest Islamic scholar Indian subcontinent has produced till date. He was the first to establish the teachings of hadith in Indian subcontinent. Few other Muhadditheen of the subcontinent did have ijaza in hadith from Arab scholars before Shah Abdul Haq got it, but those scholars did not start any madarsa to teach hadith or no systematic teaching was started.
The great grandfather of Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehalvi (ra)
migrated from Bukhara region to India.
He is called “Muhaqqiq” [One who does research] as he spent his whole life teaching and studying manuscripts.
He wrote many books on Islam out of which Madarij un-Nubuwwah is very famous. It is a biography of Holy Prophet Sayyedul Anmbiya (sal allahu alayhi wa sallam). It was originally written in Persian (Farsi):
Click on scan to Enlarge
A deobandi scholar, Saeedur Rehman Alvi from Pakistan had translated this work into Urdu. This book has been published from Maktaba Rehmaniya, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
This deobandi scholar has kept up the deobandi tradition of fabricating Islamic books.
Allama Mufti Mohammed Abbas from Pakistan has highlighted few fabrications in this deobandi edition.
Fabrication 1
In explaining “wa huwa bi kulli shay'in `Aleem”
Shaykh Muhaqqiq writes: “Prophet [sal allahu alayhi wa sallam] was given the knowledge of unseen, knowledge of entire creation and knowledge of the end time”
Deobandi translator has completely omitted this statement of Shaykh Muhaqqiq.
Further, Shaykh Muhaqqiq uses these words for Prophet [ sal allahu alayhi wa sallam]
“ Leader of the prophets, Ustadh e kul, knower of the first and the last, mazhar hasan wa Jamaal”.
Since it is against deobandis belief to use these words for Prophet (sal allahu alayhi wa sallam),
Deobandi translator has omitted this statement.
Fabrication 2
Shaykh Muhaqqiq writes “ Awwalo ma khalak Allah noori” and writes “ The first thing which Allah created was the light of prophet”.
Deobandi maulvi [ Vol 2 , page 11] has not given the explanation given by Shaykh Muhaqqiq and when he does gives its translation at Vol 1 page 71, he gives his own explanation in bracket and writes “the light of prophet hood and guidance”.
Fabrication 3
Shaykh Muhaqqiq quotes the hadith of Thuwaiba and writes:
“In this hadith, there is a glad tiding for those who celebrate Mawlid un Nabi”
We know deobandis are allergic to love of Prophet [sal allahu alayhi wa sallam] and hence deobandi translator has deleted this part from his translation!
Fabrication 4
Shaykh Muhaqqiq writes “Prophet [ sal allahu alayhi wa sallam] did not have shadow in sun or in moon , as it has been narrated by Zakwan and recorded al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi in his Nawadir al-Usul”
Deobandi translator writes (he adds): “and the truth is prophet had shadow”
Fabrication 5
Shaykh Muhaqqiq writes “as per some narration rose is made from the blessed sweat of Prophet [ sal allahu alayhi wa sallam]”
Deobandi translator writes, (he adds): “ ... and these are just good talks”
( yeh mahaz khush aqeedagee ki batey hain).
Fabrication 6
Shaykh Muhaqqiq writes “There are many evidence regarding power of healing present in the urine of prophet [ sal allahu alayhi wa sallam]”
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