There are some ignorant muslims who say that saying of RadhiAllah anho [may Allah be pleased with them ] is not allowed to be used with Non -sahabas [r.a]
But if we see history of Islam ,classical scholars texts and even texts of some other sects we will see that using Radhiallah anho with Non -sahabas [r.a] is not only permissible but used by classical sunni scholars in several places as well
Quranic Proof
Al quran, 98: 8
{ جَزَآؤُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ جَنَّاتُ عَدْنٍ تَجْرِى مِنْ تَحْتِهَا ٱلأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَداً رِّضِىَ ٱللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُواْ عَنْهُ ذَلِكَ لِمَنْ خَشِيَ رَبَّهُ }
98:8 jazaauhum 'Inda rab-bihim jan-naatu 'Adnin tajriy min taHtihal anhaaru khaalidiyna fiyhaa abadaa* raDiyal-laahu 'Anhum wa raDuu 'Anh* dhaalika liman khashiya rab-bah
Their reward is - with their Lord - everlasting Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, in which they will abide for ever and ever; Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him; this is for one who fears his Lord
Tafseer Madarik al – Tanzeel wa Haqa´iq Al- Tanweel [ By: Abu Al-Barakat Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Nasfi ] says in explaining the above verse
{ ذٰلِكَ } أي الرضا { لِمَنْ خَشِىَ رَبَّهُ }
raDiyal-laahu 'Anhum wa raDuu 'Anh (Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him) is for those who have fear of their Lord in their heart.
And fear of Lord is more in the heart of Ulema ( scholars) as stated by Imam Razi in his tafsir:
المسألة الثانية: هذه الآية إذا ضم إليها آية أخرى صار المجموع دليلاً على فضل العلم والعلماء، وذلك لأنه تعالى قال:
“ When this verse is understood along with other verse then the superiority of knowledge and scholars is established because the scholars have the fear of Allah in their heart’
( Tafsir Kabir , Vol 8, page 460 , under 98:8)
Click here for online Tafsir
Tafsir Ruh ul Bayaan
under the above verse also gives a similar explaination.
Hence Radi Allahu Ta’ala can be used for any Islamic scholar who had correct Aqida , followed shariah and had fear and love of Allah in his heart.
[Tafsir Ruh ul Bayaan for 98:8]
Imam Nawawi [rah] said :
“It is recommended (mustahab) to seek Allah’s pleasure (taraddi) and mercy (tarahhum)for the Companions (sahaba), their followers (tabi’un) and those after them such as the scholars, worshippers and all good people. Hence, one should say: “may Allah be pleased with him” or “may Allah have mercy on him”, and other similar phrases. As far as what some scholars have said that the phrase “Radhi Allah Anhu” is exclusive to the Companions (sahaba), and for other than them one should only say “Rahimahu Allah” (Allah have mercy on him), it is not as they have stated and it cannot be agreed with. Rather, the correct view is what the majority of the scholars hold (jamhur) in that it is recommended to say “Radhi Allah Anhu” for all good Muslims, and its proofs are more than can be counted.”
(Kitab al-Adhkar, P. 100)
Qadi Iyad [rah] said :
Those other than the Prophets should be mentioned with Allah’s forgiveness (gufran) and pleasure (ridha)…” (al-Shifa’, P. 581)
In Hanafi fiqh manual Durrul Mukhtar
► In Famous Hanafi manual Durrul Mukhtar it states To use Radi Allahu Ta’ala for a companion is mustahab [recommended] and for taba’een and others, rahmatullah ta’ala alaih is recommended and its opposite, that is , rahmatullah ta’ala alaih for a companion and radiallahu ta’ala for taba’een and others is also permissible’,
[ Durrul Mukhtar , Vol 5, page 480]
Shayh Abdul Haq Muhaddith al dehalwi
► Shayh Abdul Haq Muhaddith al dehalwi has used Radi Allahu Ta’ala for Hadrat Uwais al- Qarni, who was not a companion. in Ashi’at –ul-Lama’at, Vol 4 , page 743
Imam Ibn Abideen [rah]
► Imam Ibn Abideen uses Radi Allahu Ta’ala for Imam Abu Hanifa at many place.
in Rad Al- Muhtar, Vol 1 , Printed from Deoband , page 35, 36, 37 and page 42 , total six place . Then he used RadiAllahu Ta’la for Imam Shafi’I at seven places in Rad Al muhtar on pg page 35 38, 41 , 43 and for for Sahl bin Abdullah al –Tustari on pg 38
Imam Fakhruddin Razi [rah]
► Imam Fakhruddin Razi [rah] has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Abu Hanifa.
in Tafsir Kabir, Vol 6 , page 382
Imam Mullah Ali Al Qari [rah]
► Imam Mullah Ali Al Qari has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafi in Mirqat , Vol 1 , page 3. Bombay Edition
Imam Sayyed Ahmed Tahtawi
► Imam Sayyed Ahmed Tahtawi has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Abu Hanifa.
in Tahtawi ‘ala Miraqi, Istanbul Edition , page 11
Imam Al Ghazali [rah]
► Imam Al Ghazali has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Malik and Imam Shafi’i.
in Ihya uloom al deen , Vol 2 , page 7
Imam ibn Hajar al Asqalani [rah]
► Imam ibn Hajar al Asqalani has used Radi Allahu ta’ala for Imam Bukhari and Imam Shafi in Muqaddima ,
[Fat’h ul bari , page 18 and page 21]
Shaykh Al Tibrizi [ Compiler of Mishkat al Masabih]
Shaykh Al Tibrizi [ Compiler of Mishkat al Masabih] has used Radi Allahu ta’ala for Imam Baghawi.
[Muqadiima , Mishkat al Masabih]
Alla’ma Al –Khaffaji [rah]
Alla’ma Al –Khaffaji has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Qadi Iyad.
and in in his Naseemur Riyadh [ Sharah Al- Shifa of Qadi Ayad Al Mailki] writes : “It is permissible to usa Radi Allahu Ta’ala for mashaykh and others”
[ Naseemur Riyadh,Vol 3,page 509]
[ Naseemur Riyadh, page 5, Cairo Edition]
Allama Al-sa’avi al Maliki
Allama Al-sa’avi al Maliki has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Shaykh Suleyman Jamal, Ahmed Dardeer, Salim Hafnawi, Shaykh Ameer,Imam Abul Hasan Sahykh Saeed Adawi , Allama Mohammed bin badeeri dimyati, Nuruddin Ali shabralsi, Allam Halabi, Allam Ali Ajhori, Burhan Alqi, Shamshuddin alqami , Imam Ziyaadi, Shaylh Ramli, Shaykhul Islam Zakariyya Anasari, Jalaluddin Muhalli , Imam Suyuti .
[Tafsir Sawi , Vol 1 , page 3]
Imam al Shatnufi
Imam al Shatnufi in [Bahjatul Asraar] has used Radi Allahu ta’la at many places for other than companions and in Bidaya , Radi Allahu Ta’ala has been used for sahibe Al Hidaya by his students at many places.
Imam Haskafi [rah]
Imam Haskafi has used Radi Allahu Ta’la for Imam Shafi’i and Abdullah bin Mubarak .
[Durr ul Mukhtar ,Vol 1 , page 45]
Imam Bukhari [rahimullah] in Sahih bukhari uses Aleh Islam with Hadrat Ali [ra.] and Fatima [r.a]
Using aleh islam is not just used for Prophets [aleh islam] but also used for Ahle bait [family of Prophet salehalawaalihi wasalam]. Muslims also use this word for Angels like Hadrat Gibrael [aleh islam ]
Scan pages of Imam Bukhari wrote Aleh islam with Ahle bait and Hadrat Ali [ra] and Hadrat Fatima [ra] both in Sahih bukhari ,
Deobandi Sect founders and Scholars
use Radiallahanho with Non-Sahabas [r.a] and scholars or their sect founders as well
Deoband founder Ashraf Ali Thanwi shahib uses 'radiallahutala" for Mawlana Rashid Ahmed .
Scan of : Al Imdad,1336 AH, Safar, page29
Another famous deoband Alim Mawlana Ashiq Ilahi Merathi, uses "radiallahuta'ala" for both, Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee and Mawlana Rashid Ahmed both of whom were deoband founders
Scan of Tazkiraturrashid
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